Wow, I have won an award - twice!! I am sooo chuffed!!
My first award was from Fiona at Fe-Fe's World - so please hop over to her fantastic blog
here and see her wonderful cards and altered art - its amazing!!!
Then I received the award from Chrstine at Busy Bees Craft Place - please go over and view her blog
here as she is currently looking for donations for a Breast Cancer Fund Raising Event - all craft donations welcome!
The Purpose of the Award:
To send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy. What a lovely gesture.
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you.
Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite
Therefore, I am giving this award to:
EmmaIsn't it a lovely award? So chuffed at getting it - and hopefully the recipients of my award will think so too!
Have a great day xxxxxxx
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