Hi all
Well, I have finally found a house in Dubai which we move into tomorrow!! YAY!!
However, this means that I will be without internet for at least a week. Therefore the date of the candy draw may be delayed by a few days, but I hope not.
Also, as I moderate the comments, if you put a comment on the candy, and you don't see it on the posting after a while, please don't worry, I will add it onto the candy post as soon as I have got internet. Pleaes don't duplicate your entries!
Thank you all for entering, and for all your lovely comments - and I will see you in a week(ish) time!!

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Well, I have finally found a house in Dubai which we move into tomorrow!! YAY!!
However, this means that I will be without internet for at least a week. Therefore the date of the candy draw may be delayed by a few days, but I hope not.
Also, as I moderate the comments, if you put a comment on the candy, and you don't see it on the posting after a while, please don't worry, I will add it onto the candy post as soon as I have got internet. Pleaes don't duplicate your entries!
Thank you all for entering, and for all your lovely comments - and I will see you in a week(ish) time!!