Tuesday 1 September 2009

My Blog Candy Giveaway - Gorjuss Girls Set 3!! NOW CLOSED

Hi all!

Well, to celebrate me moving to Dubai and the fact that I have had 5,000 visitors on my blog, I thought I would offer some very tasty candy!

Here it is!!

Yep, thats right, a whole set of Gorjuss Girls Set 3 stamps!!

Now, in order for you to get your lovely hands on this wonderful candy, all you have to do is:
  1. leave a comment on this post with a link from your blog telling people about my candy - this will get one entry.
  2. if you like my blog and want to become a follower coz you like what you see, then you will get a second entry into the candy.
I will keep this open until the 1st September and its open to anyone. These stamps are going to be sent from England, not Dubai.

This post will stay on stop until after the candy, so please scroll down for new posts.

Good luck to you all - I wish I could enter as I don't have these either!!

Pin It Now!


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carlz said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!I'm first! first never wins lmao!!! congrats on your hits hun! and big thumbs up to a safe arrival in dubai (think that's how i spell it) missing you on the DT loads!!!!

'Gorjuss giveaway!!!' fingers crossed! will spread the word!!
hugz Carly xxx

PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Leanne, I hope you are settling in in Dubai.
Thank you for offering this Gorjuss candy - who doesn't love these girls!
I've put a link on my sidebar. I'm already a follower of yours and I want to thank you for becoming a follower of my blog - this means a lot to me.
Clare x

Magda said...

Congratulations on your 5,000 visitors! Have a nice time in Dubai.

I linked your candy on my blog and I`m a follower.

Thanks for the chance to win,

Mummylade said...

linked you from my sidebar and am a follower. Thanks for the chance

Bubbles said...

Hi Leanne wowie what a gorjuss candy I would just love to have these in my collection.
Congratulations on your blog hits.
I hope you are having a nice time and find yourself a truly wonderful new home in Dubai. I'm sure there must be some craft stores somewhere!!
Take care babe, off to spread the word!
Joanne x

Lorraine A said...

Hi Leanne :-) I would love to win these gorjuss girls :-) I only have 1 so far and she is a bit lonely ! :-)

I have posted a photo with a link to your blog :-)
You can see it here :-)

I have been a follower for ages :-)

Lorraine x x

Laura (Faerielore) said...

WOW what fab candy, i looooovvvveee these gorjuss stamps !!!! i have added a link on my side bar to spread the work and am now a follower of your gorgeous blog. And good luck with your move to Dubai, i went there a few years back, such a lovely place and sooooo hot !!!!!

Penny said...

I'm following and I linked. I've just been dying to have this stamps :) I hope I win.

Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Hi Leanne, already a follower and have put a link to your candy on my blog.

All the best in Dubai & hope you can come back to the DT soon

love n hugs

Jan xx

Stressed Stamper said...

wow fab candy thanks for the chance - and wow off to Dubai - lucky you - enjoy....link on my side bar - fingers crossed


Unknown said...

WOW Leanne what a giveaway!!!!! I am a follower and hopefully I have done the link right. Still new to this blogging business.

my blog

Luv Jane XX

Donna said...

Hello Leanne

Thanks for the opportunity in this brilliant blog candy!! I hope you enjoy your life in Dubai, nice weather....I have put a link on my blog on the main page, as I can't get my head around putting them on the side bars unless someone helps me lol Here's the link to my blog:


Good Luck to everyone
Donna xx

Tracy said...

Oh some real gorgeous candy, thanks for a chance to win. I've linked your candy on my blog and become a follower.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Sally said...

Me, Me... I'm selfish! I don't have any of these either. I am a follower and am off to post this in my candy bar. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Congrats on your 5,000 hits and your move! Hope you get settled soon.

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Leanne, congratulations on your 5000 hits and I wish you all the best on your move to Dubai. What lovely blog candy you have on offer. I'd certainly like to be in with a chance of winning as I don't have any of these stamps - terrible I know!!! I have put a link to your blog candy in my sidebar and have put myself as a follower. I'd already got your details on my blog as that's how I came across the blog candy but for some reason I mustn't have clicked as a follower. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Dragonlady said...

Hi Leanne

You may be in Dubai but at least you can still talk to your crafting friends. I am now a follower and off to put a link on my blog. What fantastic candy and I will keep my fingers & toes crossed.

Ali x

Liza said...

Congratulations on your hits and your move to Dubai. Your candy is so gorgeous and I would love to win. I'm now a follower and I'm off to link in my sidebar.

Liza x

Annie said...

Hope you are having fun in Dubai. Love your blog and this candy is just so generous. I am a follower and have my fingers crossed.

Will put a link on my blog for you too.

Ann xxx

Unknown said...

oh wow what a super delicious prize..what i wouldnt do for these have linked you and become a follower here
congrats on your hits
hugs sassy

Julie said...

Hi Leanne,
Good luck with your move to Dubai, hope you're very happy there.
Well done on 5000 hits too.
Thanks for the chance to win such fab candy, I've never had any of the Gorjuss stamps, but love them, so would be thrilled if I won.
Just going to link your candy into my sidebar now, and I'm also a follower.
Take care,
Julie x

Gosia said...

Hi Leanne!
Greetings from Poland, and congratulations on your 5.000hits
Thanks for this some great candy!
I'm your follower now.

Anonymous said...

Hi! What an adventure to move to another country!!!
And this Gorjuss candy - I cant let it slip trough my fingers =) Ive posted a note on my blog. You can find it here: http://isabellspyssel.blogspot.com/2009/07/leannes-fina-candy.html

Good luck to you!!! And to me ;)

crafty amy said...

Oh wow what incredibly yummy candy!! You are so generous and I can't believe I was not a follower of your blog earlier I have been over here looking and admiring your work enough time while hopping around :)

Thank you so much for the chance to win I am puting a link in my side bar now

X Amy X

debra said...

Hi Leanne
How exciting a whole new life in Dubai, my hubby has been and says its a very rich country and gorguss, congrats on the hits and i hope you will be evry happy, gorjuss candy.
hugs Debra
ps i am a follower

ribenaruby said...

Many congratulations to you, wow Dubai, is a long way off, hope you're finding the weather alot brighter! Following and also off to link on my blog. Thankyou for offering a generous candy.

Jacilynn said...

I love your blog and am now a follower. I'd love to win those gorjuss girls. fingers crossed. I've linked you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous candy! I have put a pic and a link on my blog for you (http://jacksartycraftykreations.blogspot.com/) and have very willingly become a follower of your gorgeous blog. xx

Tasha said...

Wowza!!!!! I'm drooling already lol Love Love this set and i've been dreaming of owning it hee hee. Well done on the hits hun!! And thank you for the chance of winning. I've added you to my candy bar. Hugs,Tasha xxx
My Blog

Louise said...

Wow, Leanne, how exciting to be living in Dubai now! You must definitely put some piccies on your blog, especially if you get that sandstorm.
Thank you so much for offering such fabulous candy :)
You can find my link HERE
All the best,
Louise x

Anonymous said...

Hello Leanne, glad you got there ok and everything! good luck with finding a house! thanks for the chance to win if i do i'll tease Carly with them! i'll link my blog to your candy shortly. Rob x

Alysabeth said...

Oh that set is to die for, I sure hope it's coming my way:o)

I have it set in my sidebar and am a new follower. Check it out here

Thanx so much for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

Ohhh WOW...I love the Gorjuss Girls...I would so love to win this set. Will add you to my Candy Bowl HERE:

The Hovey Hut

stephanne said...

I am now a follower, which brings up the question of what happened to my attempt at "The Follow" some months ago?? Oh well, Blogger has been acting in mysterious ways lately, will have to give my little list a once-over to see what else has gone astray.

Glad you are settling into the desert nicely. Hope you get your crafty stuff ASAP!!! And congrats on 5000 hits, wahoo!!!

Would love to be the lucky lady to inherit these gorjuss girls, I think I would fall out of my chair to see my name, lol. I don't have any of them, not one, and who could resist them? WHO!?!

Take Care,

Lisa said...

So cute! Thanks for the chance to win =)
I've linked to you on my sidebar and I'm a follower!

stephanne said...

Okay, I've got you linked at the tip-top of my sidebar, just checked it, I'm back to leave you the link I forgot to leave the first time around, sorry...
the bloggie blog

Take Care,

Anne said...

What great candy, thank you for the chance to win. Congrats on your move and all the blog hits - you'll get loads more now I'm sure :)

I've added you to my sidebar and I'm now a follower


Penni said...

Hi Leanne

Congrats on 5000 Hits. What super Blog Candy you have to celebrate.

I've put a link on my sidebar for you, and I've also become a follower of your fabulous blog.


Jenny V. said...

Oh I been dieing to get a GG set. I have it set in my sidebar and am a new follower. Thank so much for the chance to win.


maxine said...

Hi Leanne Thanks for the chance of winning your fab candy.

Fe-Fe said...

What fantastic blog candy Leanne. Thanks for the chance to win.

Hope your move is going well.

Off to put a link on my blog now.

Happy Crafting!
Fe x

lil-paper-pixie said...

Hi Leanne, it's my first time on your lovely blog, your move to Dubai sounds sooo exciting, i wish you all the best. Fab giveaway by the way, I would love to win these girls, I have become a follower to..........keep us posted on the move etc.



Suzi Mac said...

Hi Leanne, just become a follower and have put your candy on my sidebar. Hope you have a lovely life in Dubai, and congrats on your 5,000 blog hits.
Take Care
Suzi xx

Annelies said...

Congrats on the hits and I hope you're settling in in Dubai! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win such yummy candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

peggy said...

Hi Leanne,

Congratulations on your hits and your moving to Dubai.
Your candy is so gorgeous and I would love to win. I'm now a follower and a put a link and post on my blog.

Thanks for the chance !!!

Peggy x

Anonymous said...

Wow fab candy, thank you for the opportunity. I have added a link in my sidebar and become a follower too !

hope you are all settling into Dubai - very best wishes !

Kate x

My Creative Outlet by Janna said...

Thanks for all of your kind comments on my blog :) I love all of your work! I became a follower today! Congrats on the 5k hits! And I LOVE the Gorjuss Girls! Thanks for the chance!

<3 Janna


Anonymous said...

Love Gorjuss Girls! I am follower and posted a link to your blog! Hope all is well in Dubai!

Anne-marie said...

Congratulations on your hits and your moving to Dubai. Great candy you are offering im a follower and have linked you in my sidebar
best wishes
Anne-marie x

Diamond Doll said...

Hiya Leanne, hope you are settling in?Dubai Lucky you. congrats on all your visitors. I would just love to win those Gorjuss stamps so i,ve become a follower and linked you on my sidebar.HERE
Thanx for the chance.
Trish (-:

Fe-Fe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jenni said...

Love those Gorjuss Girls and would be over the moon to winthem so just had to take part in your candy draw - also have become a follower to get an extra chance :)

Good luck with your big move, will no doubt see how you get on through your blog - off now to link your candy on mine.
Jenni x

Lisa said...

yummy candy thanks for the chance to win

Nicki said...

Hi Leanne, good luck with your new life in Dubai and thank you for offering such amazing candy. I've added a link to the candy list on my blog, Nicki.

Moni said...

Congrats on your hits, and moving to Dubai! Would love to win this fab set! i linked you on my blog! And became your folower! Hugs, moni

Mina said...

Oh wow Leanne what fabulous candy congratulations on your hit count...I hope you love being in Dubai I have linked you on my candy bar
Mina xxx

Tracey said...

Wow! What a candy! Love the Gorjuss Girls but don't have any yet so it would be awesome to win this! I've linked you up on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mouse40 said...

Congrats on all of your hits!!
Great blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog

Mouse40 said...

..and I'm your follower now:)

Simon Tavener said...

I don't normally do cute - but I make an exception here!

Here's hoping I am lucky!

Daisychain said...

Fantastic candy, thanks for the chance to win it, I have put a link in my sidebar. I would love a set of these... Congrats on all your hits and good luck in Dubai.

iReneM said...

Oh, how I love the Gorjuss Girls :-)
I have one lonely one so these would make great companions.

Congrats on your 5K visitors and wish you all the best in Dubai


♥Silvana♥ said...

Congrass in so many hits and your moving...great blog
I become a follower and I'll put a link telling about your candy in my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win this candy.

MA-MI said...

What fantastic blog candy Leanne. Thanks for the chance to win. Hope your move is going well.I put a link on my blog.

Rufus said...

Dubai? Wow. Even bigger wow for your candy! I don't have a blog so I can't link you. Hope that doesn't disqualify me. I do have an email list of crafty friends I tell 'em when I find a new nifty blog, like yours. I would promise to give those gorjuss girls a great home. would dearly love to have them! Thanks for the chance. Oh, yes I'll be following you from now on

Carole RB said...

Hi Leanne
Congrats on your 5000 hits and your moving to Dubay. You have a super blog candy. I don't have a blog but I'll spread the word among my friends. I'm one of your new follower!. Thanks for giving us a chance to win!

Tina said...

Congrats on your 5,000 hits! I would love to own these Gorjuss Girls. I don't have any yet and I love them. I am a follower and I've posted an entry on my blog about your candy. http://mypaperartz.blogspot.com/2009/07/leanne-from-fluttabys-crafty-haven-is.html

sandra's crafty corner said...

OH MY GOD, i sooooo want to win these stamps, im already a follower and have post about your candy with a link to your blog.
congrats on 5000 hits and your mve,how exciting for you,
here is my blog
sandra xxxx

Crafting Andy said...

Congrats on your hits and your move to Dubai. I have become a follower and added a link to my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win these cool stamps.
Andrea Reid.xx

Anonymous said...

Gorjuss Blog Candy your very generous tempting us with :)
Hope your settling into life over in Dubai, atleast you've got the sunshine lol.
I've just become a follower of your blog, looking forward to seeing more of your creations.
Hope you can find time to have a peek at my blog :)
Have a great day

Marie said...

happy moving and concratulations for 5000 visitors. i am so far away from that number. but, i became a follower right now and i put a link on my sidebar.
The blog candy is really lovely.
Have a great day

Mephisto said...

great Candy!!!
have posted it on the Sidebar on my


jodie said...

Hi Leanne,
Ive just put a post on my blog.
I put a link on My Blog

Thanx for the chance of winning these gorjuss stamps.
Happy Crafting Jodie xx

raindropecho said...

Wow you're so generous! What wonderful blog candy! I posted your candy on the sidebar of my blog and I'm a follower :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

wow Leane you an tell I have ben busy with other things I hadn't realised you were moving. Hope you are settling in ok.
Ok the link about your blog is in my sidebar and i am following our blog
Hugs and good luck

Shelley said...

Congratulations! On the hits and the move to Dubai, wow! Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy, I would love to win too. I have put a link on
My Blog

I am also a new follower, your cards are great.

Shelley x

Gemma said...

Hi Leanne,

Good luck in Dubai. I've put this in my sidebar, and become a follower. V generous of you.

Gemma x

Jeni C Slack (^0^) said...

Hello Leanne! Thank you for the wonderful chance to win this candy. Congrats on the 5k visit hits! I have your candy posted on my page, left sidebar. I also wanted to say Thank you so much for stopping by my page. I am one of your followers now too!

Good luck in your move to Dubai. I hear that the city there is a really nice place to live in. xox ~Jeni

Helen said...

Congrats on all those hits...and I hope you're enjoying Dubai! :0)

Gorjuss candy...have popped a photo and link on the sidebar of my blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Helen x

The Crafty Den said...

Hi Leanne, wow what a big move, hope you have a great life there. Congrats on your 5,000 hits. I've added a post on my blog here and also added you to the sidebar. I've also become a follower. Would love to win, thanks for the chance. Hugs, Denise x

trixi b said...

Big Congrats Leanne and such generous candy-the best I've seen!
Now a follower of your cool blog and have added link in sidebar of my own blog for you.
Good luck with the move.

trixi b said...

Big Congrats Leanne and such generous candy-the best I've seen!
Now a follower of your cool blog and have added link in sidebar of my own blog for you.
Good luck with the move.

lenislenis said...

Congratulations! Hope you will have a great stay in Dubai.
The Gorjuss girls are so lovely! Thanks for giving us the chance to win them!
I'm spreading the word here http://lenislenis.blogg.se/2009/august/gorjuss-girls.html and I have also become a follower.

Unknown said...

Oh, I have never been to Dubai. When can you post some pictures? :) I would love to see how it is there.

Thanks so much for a chance to win so cutest stamps!! I don't own any and would be so HAPPY to play with them! I am off to link your fabulous candy!
Thanks again.

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention..I am your follower. My blog. Thanks!

Susan said...

Wow - great candy!
So generous of you!
How exciting moving to Dubai - hope you are reunited with your crafty stash too and are not having to many withdrawal symptoms!
Keep well

.:♥Marit Pettinga-Meijer♥:. said...

Hi Leanne,
Congrats on your 5000 hits and your moving to Dubai!
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy!
I've become a follower and linked you up HERE!

Thanks again!
Hugs, Marit.

Abi Bundy said...

Congratulations on so many hits!! that's fab but you have such an amazing blog! it's no suprise, hope you like dubai!!


Melissa said...

Congrats on the move to Dubai Leanne.How very exciting for you and your family.I wish you the very best in your new adventure.What a wonderful opportunity to win these delightful stamps.I can't even get these in Australia.I have linked you on my sidebar.Take care.Melissa

Paolchen said...

Hi Leanne,

oh wow, what a super delicious prize.
I have put a link on my sidebar.

Warm greetings

My blog: http://www.paolchen.de

Happy Crafter said...

Wow fabulous Gorjuss Girl stamps you are so very generous:)
Thanks for the chance to win these i love them.
Congrats on all those hits and wishing you every happiness in Dubai:)
I have linked your candy in my sidebar big hugzz Val xxx

Happy Crafter said...

Hi Leanne i am now following your fab blog too :)
Hugzz Val xxx

Natalie Z said...

Hi Leanne! I’ve linked your candy on my sidebar under the section “Blog Candy” and I'm become a follower.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs Fifi.

Vicki said...

Hi Leanne, wow wee, 5,000 visiters!
Good luck with your move to Dubai, that means an all round year tan!..lol.
The blog candy is just fab!!!, shall leave you a link on my blog and have joined your followers.

Vicki x

Caroljenks said...

Wow, love this Gorjuss Candy!!!

I've become a follower of your fab blog - congrats on your hits too :)

I've added a picture and link in my Candy Jar on my blog :)

Carol x

Lynne in NI said...

Thanks for the chance of winning your scrummy candy Leanne and hope you enjoy Dubai ... bit too hot there for me I'm afraid!

RiNNE said...

Hope you are settling well in Dubai! I'd love some Gorguss candy! You are too generous :) X!

Sally Richardson said...

What a wonderful blog.... I hope you are settling into Dubai well and not finding it too different.
Take care and... I hope I win.. ha ha.. I don't have any Gorjuss Girls, just my own two gorgeous daughters.

Sally (Aust)

Kiki said...

I have linked yur candy on my blog and I became a follower of your fabulous blog.
Thanks for the chance to win such a great candy.

Hugs, Kiki

Dawn said...

Wow gorgeous candy Leanne and good luck in Dubai - wow how wonderful
Will add you to my candy box


Alexandra Lundgren said...

WOW Dubai! How exciting. I hope you love it!!!

Marley said...

How I would loveeeee to win this.. I love those girls so much but I'm a student so I can pay to much stuff, So i would love to make a chance on it..
Your candy is on my sidebar with the link..
Much love Marley


HazelQ said...

Congratulations on your many visitors! This candy is fabulous :) I linked your candy on my blog an I'm following your blog :D Have a wonderful time in Dubai!

Sunshine said...

Great blog! I am now a follower! Will post your link in my sidebar!



Sunshine said...

Thanks for the chance to win such great candy!!

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

OMG! I thought I'd never get to the end of the list of comments to get my own in!! lol! ;o)

GREAT candy, so no wonder!

Hope the sandstorm has settled now, and you have your view back!

Have posted on my blog about your candy, and put a link in my sidebar, too. HERE

Chris xx

Allison said...

just off to put alink on side bar- hope the house hunting is going well and what fab candy

Anita said...

Hi Leanne

What a great place to be in Abu Dhabi. Dubai is even een better place to stay. I've been there several times when my husband was working in Muscat, Oman.
Hope you have a wonderful time there.
I love your candy and placed it on my blog.

xx Anita

Kleine85 said...

Hi Leanne,

what a great great candy! Thanks for having the chance to win,

greetings from germany


Zuila said...

Congratulations on your 5,000 visitors.I have posted a photo with a link to your blog. I'm following


zuila x

Karen said...

Hi Leanne
What lovely candy. I've become a follower and I've added your link in the sidebar on my blog.

Jodi said...

Congrats on all those visits. What fabulous candy ~ I love these girls! I've linked your giveaway on my blog (right side column). Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jo said...

Hi Leanne, Thank you so much for the chance to win this fantastic candy. My link is http://joscraftycardcreations.blogspot.com and I have added yours to my blog. Good luck in Dubai. Jo x

Vivi Casale said...

great candy!!!! thanks for the chance!
I put a link on my blog and became a follower!
I don't have any gorjuss stamp, so I'll keep my finger very crossed to win it!

JanMcNair said...

I want first to wish you all the best in Dubai, good for you and thanks very much for the chance to win your wonderful blog candy, thanks so much Jan

carpediem said...

Congrats on your blog hits! I'm a follower however do not have a blog! Thanks for offering the chance to win! laura j

* Shell B.* said...

Hey Leanne, hope things are going smoothly for you in Dubai.....what a change huh!

What a wonderful set of stamps your offering for you candy!

Thanks so much, oh your on my sidebar of my blog.

Shell in Alaska

Mary said...

Wow! Everyone loves these. Don't have any of these yet, but would love to use them for the design team I am on. I am also Copic Certified. New to the blogging world, so I will post your blog candy, not sure how to do the sidebar thing yet. I am a follower.
My blog @ crafty-cabin.blogspot.com

Roxx.T Barnes said...

HI Leanna,

Thanks for the opportunity to win your blog candy.First let me wish you a safe trip to Dubai.Second Congrats on your 5,000 blog visits. That's a huge fan base! Lastely I'm a follower and have posted a link on my blog. here . Thanks again.

folkmyself said...

I have posted a photo with a link to your blog !
You can see it here

Thanks for the chance
Hugs from Poland!
..and I'm your follower now:)

Anne said...

Wow I would like to have them all!
I have made a link on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Rach said...

hi sweeie, hope that your settling in at you new home in Dubai.

Just popped by to say that i have added your candy to my sidebar.. but please choose the next person in line if i am the winner as i already have this gorjuss set..

Thanks for entering my blog candy.. good luck. hugs rachxxx

moi said...

You are moving to Dubai? WOW!
Congrats for 5k visitors!
I'm a big Gorjuss fan. I think they are sooooo cute.

Cross my fingers to win the set3.

hugs, moi

shinz @ cosycabin said...

Congratulations on your 5,000 visitors, Leanne! Have a nice time in Dubai.
I'm a follower of your blog few sec ago and have linked this candy on my sidebar.

shinz x

Alice said...

Hi from Italy! Beautiful stamps!!!! Thanks for a chance to win them, I've just put a link to my candybar and now I am follower!
Congrats on your hits!!!

Kristin said...

Wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance to win it! :D

Have a nice day! :)

Lesley Edmonds said...

Hi Leanne,
Scrumptious Blog Candy and good luck with your move to Dubai.
Lesley x

Anonymous said...

I'm now a follwer, and I posted a link in my right sidebar, to your candy. I would really love to win, think this girls are lovely.

Thank you for this wonderful chans to win!

Manuela said...

Hi! Fantastic candy, I've linked you on my Sidebar. Thank you for the chance to win such a great candy.

Hugs from Slovenia,

Misha said...

I just found your blog today, and look forward to following along. Thanks for the chance to win...I don't own any Gorjuss Girls yet, but think they're fabulous.

Wellnifty said...

Hi Leanne, congrats on all those hits, thanks for the chance of getting your candy, off to post a link on my sidebar right now, oh yes love your blog so I've become a follower.

Chris x

TuKara said...

wow amazing candy!!!Thanks for the chance to vin,TuKara from Tunisia.

Rosanne said...

Hi Leanne--awesome blog candy! I have become a follower, and I have linked you to my blog.

Archies Mum said...

Wow the gorjuss girls look gorjuss (excuse the pun). Would love to win. Good luck in your new home/country Yola x

SemSee said...

Fabulous candy! Thanks so much for giving us all the chance to win. Hope you are settling in Dubai, and congrats on all your hits! I'm already a follower, and I've popped you onto my Candy Bar, plus pic-linked you in the sidebar of my blog. Hugs, Sem xx

Victoria said...

Wow what fab candy. Well done on 5k hits and wow for moving to DUbai!!

Very generous to give away something so fab that you don't have yourself.


Victoria said...

2nd comment - joined as follower! Looking forwar to seeing all your creations


Eva said...

Congratulations on the 5000 hits and happy moving! Thanks for the chance to win! Have linked from my blog.

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Hi Leanne, I hope you are settling in in Dubai.Congrats in your 5000 hits
Thank you for offering this Gorjuss candy
I've put a link and the photo on my sidebar. I have become a follower too Hugs Julie x

Holgis said...

OOOh, they're just so cut. Wonderful blogcandy. Hope Dubai isn´t to hot!
Will put your link on my blog.

Thanx for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

i love gorjuss girls
what a great candy

Tanja said...

Wooow, what a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Hugs, Tanja

Steph said...

Congarts on 5000 hits! I'd love these gorjuss girls (but then who wouldn't!) - thanks for the chance - I have linked x

Alline de Oliveira said...

Beautiful candy! Great blog! Thanks for the chance! I posted a link to you on my blog and I'm a follower. I hope I win!

scrappyjacky said...

Wooooooooonderful candy...would love to get my mitts on these!!Have linked you.

Andrea said...

Thank you for the chance to win these gorjuss stamps! I have added a link to your candy on my sidebar and have become a follower. Good luck with your move to Dubai.

Kimba-Slydog said...

Congratulation to 5000 clicks. Wow!!!

Your candy is so wonderful, I love these stamps, but have not a single one.

Thanks for the chance to win.

I became a follower of your wonddrful blog.


Lovestampin said...

Hope you enjoy Dubai, It is two years since I was last year. Thanks for the blog candy.

Linda . J said...

Hi Leanne Congratulations on all your hits well deserved as you have a beautiful blog. Thank you for this chance to enter your beautifull candy and I shall post a link on my blog.
Hugs Linda

shortyrose said...

Hi Leanne,

congratulations on your 5,000 visitors.
I linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.

Greetings from Germany

Shazza said...

WOW hoe generous Leanne. I am posting this on my blog and becoming a follower. Good luck in Dubai

Loz said...

I've blogged about your scrumptious candy, (it makes my mouth water! I would love these!!), I'm now a follower, have a great time in Dubai, and I look forward to following your work!

Sarah A said...

Thanks for the chance to win your fab blog candy. Congratulations on the hits and good luck with your new life in Dubai (I am madly jealous).
I have added a link to my sidebar and become a follower ;-)

Sarah x

Nikki said...

HI Leanne.
Congrats on all your hits and have a fun time in Dubai :)
Your Candy is just Gorjuss and so are the Stamps
huggs Nikki C
I've posted a link in my sidebar
and will follow too

Kathy said...

WOW what a fabulous candy!!! Thanks for the chance to win this set ~ love it!!
I have linked you on my candy bar and became a follower as well!!
Congrats on your move and hope it all goes well!!

Donna said...

Hi Leanne, Congrats on all your hits. Thank you for a chance of winning these beauties, I have become a follower and I have left a link to your blog on my sidebar. Hows Dubai? bet the weather is nicer than here lol. Donna

Chook said...

Congrats on your hits and your move. Lovely stamps. Thanks for the chance to win.

SueF said...

Hi Leanne,
I've become a follower & left a link on my blog here

Well done on the hits and good luck with your move


clare said...

Hi Leanne x
Congrats on all your hits..and here's to many more.
I wish you and your family all the best in Dubai x
ive become a follower..of your gorgeous blog.
thanks for the chance of your candy.good luck everyone hugs clare x

♥Rach♥ said...

You have a fantastic blog! Congrats on your move and I hope that your relocation goes smoothly :)


Randi said...

Congrats on you hits and good luck on your move. Thanks so much for the Sugar Nellie candy. I am linking you to my blog now http://craftycricutcreations.blogspot.com/

Tina Lester said...

Congratulations on your 5000 Visitors! What a great give away would love to win.

lalalla said...

Love all of them! sooo pretty stamps! here is my entry http://doris86place.blogspot.com/2009/08/adorable-candy.html, I've bacame folower too! Greetings from Poland

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow what great candy. Will post onto my sidebar and have become a follower. Marianne x

Iris Josefine said...

What a wonderful candy!
Thanks for the chance to win it.
I have linked on my sidebar.
Iris Josefine

Veronica said...

What a wonderful candy!
I linked your candy on my sidebar on my blog and I`m a follower.

Veronica xx with greetings from Sweden

Jenny said...

Hope you know adjust well in Dubai! Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy!


Siri Fjørtoft, kaBoks said...

Wow! Dubai! I applied for a job in Dubai once... Kind of a long shot because it required experience in decorating ships.... Not really my biggest gift!

Thank you so much for the chanse to win these beautiful girls! I have also become a follower of your blog, and posted a link in my candybar.


Sam said...

This is fab Leanne. I'll put a link on my blog in a while (might not get round to it until tomorrow knowing me.
Take care of yourself hun
Sam x

Raquel said...

Great candy!!! I've become a follower and added a link to your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Wendy said...

Congratulations on 5000 hits and your upcoming move to Dubai, how wonderful for you all. Thank you so much for the chance to win these lovely stamps, I ahev set 2 but not this set yet. Good luck to you all for your future.


Bea said...

wow what beautiful candy...thanks for the chance to enter
Bea x

Annie said...

Leanne, Dubai sounds so exotic. What fun. I am a follower and thank you for the chance to win wonderful Gorjuss Girls rubber stamps.

Cheers Annie

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

I posted about this on my blog and I am a new follower!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Irène said...

Thanks for the chance to win ! I love Gorjuss Girls stamps !

bissecat said...

I am follower and i post link and picture my blog sidebarhttp://vasemmalkadella.blogspot.com/
Greetings from Finland.

Crafty Jenn said...

I absolutely love Sugar Nellies! Don't own any yet, so hopefully I win my first set. Thanks for the chance to win. I've posted a link on my blog

Debs said...

Hiya, awwww I love those little girlz thanks for the chance to get my inky little paws on them

Lana Clarke said...

Hi Leanne, firstly Thanks for visiting my blog ;0)
Secondly hope you settle in Dubai and last but not least thank you so much for the chance of winning these gorjuss stamps. I don't own any of these so would love the chance to win. I am now a follower and will go and post it on my blog!
Lana x

Mary said...

Wonderful Candy haven't got any Gorjuss stamps and love them.
Hope you will be very happy in Dubai and congratulations on your 5000 hits
Mary Arnold UK

Jessica Theodore said...

Hi Leanne what fab candy you have! I dont have any of these yet either. I've posted your candy and link on my sidebar. Best of luck in your new home, hope to see more of your crafting soon!

Anonymous said...

I have posted a link on my blog, thanks for the chance to win. These stamps are so cute.

Unknown said...

Thank you for offering this great blog candy. I posted a link on my blog http://ginicagle.blogspot.com/ and have become a follower

Julie.G said...

Hi, I am a follower of your blog and I have posted your blog candy on my side bar....Thank you so much....http://creationsbyjulie.blogspot.com/

Gurkiss said...

Oooooh. I just love this stamps. I have seen them just on the web.

I have become a follower :)

I have put the picture and a link back here on my sidebar.

Have a nice day.

Hugs Gurkiss

....I have done a google account just for writing to those how don´t allowed other blogs. My blog address is: http://gurkiss.com/wp ...

Suzette said...

Oh my word this is a super candy, Thanks for the chance to win...I hope I do and good luck to everyone. I have link you on my side bar and will become a member.


Никушка said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hallo Leanne, what a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower of your blog.
Hugs Andrea

Carola/Schokofee said...

What a wonderful candy!
Wishing you all the best for dubai.
I linked your candy on my Blog

Carola *Schokofee*

Chrissie said...

What stunning candy Leanne, how generous of you and thanks so much for the opportunity to win these adorable stamps.
I've added a photo and link to your blog on my sidebar

Heather said...

Thanks for the opportunity, this candy looks amazing. I love stamping and i reckon you can never have enough!

SABRI said...

I love your candy!!! CIAO CIAO, Sabri


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous blog candy! I just love these Gorjuss Girls. I've got your candy linked on my blog and I am also a follower:)

Vroni said...

Wow, what a great candy. I like your blog. Thanks for the chance. I linked your candy on my sidebar here:
http://www.vroni-diekleinehexe.blogspot.com/ and became a follower.


Казкова майстерня said...

This is very nice candy!!!!!!

DeeDee said...

I would love ot own my first set of thes gorjuss girls..so glad I found you site.. I love your stuff

I have you featured on my side bar at


Marte said...

Wow! Thank you for the opportunity to win this girjuss stamps :) I'm a follower, and of course - I will tell others about your candy! :)

Sam said...

Hiya Leanne, got your candy up on my blog now and if you get a chance 2nd post down there is something there for you.
Take care
Sam x

Carrie said...

Congrats on moving to Dubai! I have become a follower and posted about your candy on my blog.


Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous Gorjuss candy!

Anonymous said...

what an awesome candy
and what an awesome place you are moving to!
Wishing you all the luck you need to settle down and be happy in Dubai.

I have linked you up in my sidebar

hugs from Germany

Stämpelhamstern said...

Oh I just love these!!!!
I keep my fingers crossed.



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